AKERO ---NMN新品上市
钟南山 强力推荐---荣获诺贝尔奖端粒酶
✓ 增加免疫系统
✓ 预防感染新冠状肺炎
✓ 抗氧化
✓ 抗发炎
1. 吸收率低,加上水溶性特性,吃进去的维他命C容易被人体排出’因此一般维他命C皆需要添加高剂量来弥补
2. 维他命C是相当敏照的物质,容易受到光照、温度变化、与空气接触而氧化丶降解
#PUREWAY- C(利用独家配方提升吸收率)
✓ 维生素C(含量高达93%)
✓ 植物来源脂质
✓ 柑橘生物类黄酮
✓ One lNNOVATION LABS 美国大厂制造
✓ 专利制程申请中,具多项实验支持
✓ 高稳定性’不易降解丶不易受破坏’拥有原厂稳定性报告
✓ 具多项证书Hala、 Kosher丶Non-GMo丶GRAS
✓ 全球每年热销90万顿!欧美指定品牌原料 PUREWAY-C
#NMN 四大专利:
1. BetaVia Complete (免疫健康)
2. SOD B extramel (超氧化物歧化酶)
3. PUREWAY-C (维生素C)
4. Rev-AGE (The patented NMN )
1. 端粒酶
2. 黑加仑
3. 柠檬
4. 柚子
5. 维生素 D
✓ 投保100万产物责任险
✓ 荣获诺贝尔奖端粒酶
✓ GMP 食品安全认证
✓ HACCP 食品安全认证
✓ ISO9001国际认证
✓ 100%纯天然有机认证
净含量:45克 (3克 x 15袋)
➢ 一天1-2袋,倒在舌下即溶
Akero Secret NMN
NMN is a key component to increase NAD+ levels in cells. NAD+ is an essential coenzyme required for life and cellular functions.
NMN is so important that it even listed as a potential treatment for COVID-19.
(https://www.nmn.com/what-is-nmn, Can NMN Help Fight COVID-19)
Akero Secret’s NMN proudly present to you
4 exclusive patented ingredients
Rev-AGE, The only NMN with PATENTED Enzyme Catalysis Technology.
· Reverse-aging
· Repair Damaged DNA
· Activate Immune System
· Reverse Blood Vessel Aging
· Provide 95% Energy Enhancing Vitality of The Body
BetaViaComplete, a nutrient-dense, dried whole algae fermentate that provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system.
· Priming key immune cells
Promoting cell signaling
Supporting the growth of healthy gut bacteria
SOD B Extramel, is clinically proven to promote a sense of well-being through the maintenance of optimal mental and physical performances.
· Stress control
· Cognitive function
· Sleep improvement
· Physical recovery
· Physical pain relief
Pureway C, is fatty acids allow ascorbic acid to enter cells more quickly in a safe and effective manner.
· Reduce inflammation
· Protect cells from cancer causing damage
· Defend against cardiovascular disease
· Prevent iron deficiencies
· Essential for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues
· Protects memory and cognitive thinking throughout the aging process
· Effectively strengthens the immune system against viruses
When to take?
1 sachet in the morning & 1 sachet at the afternoon, before/after meal
Pour under tongue
Net Weight: 45g (3g x 15 sachets)